
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a part of GCHQ, announced that its free CyberFirst courses are now open for registration to introduce Scottish students with a passion for technology to the fascinating and fast-paced world of cyber security

All courses are free, and the majority are provided in ten, half-day online sessions. First launched in 2016, this range of courses gives students aged 14-17 in Scotland, the opportunity to explore their passion for tech.

The three courses guiding pupils step by step through their understanding of the cyber security industry are:

  • The CyberFirst Defenders course, which is open to students currently in S4. The course offers a valuable introduction to building and protecting small networks and personal devices. It increases students’ awareness of cyber security, whilst equipping them with a set of relevant practical skills they can apply in their own lives.
  • The CyberFirst Futures courses, which is aimed at students in S5 and explores advanced cyber security threats and ways to protect against them. The course offers an insight into not just the method but the motivation behind cyber threats.
  • And finally, the CyberFirst Advanced course for students in S6 hones the skills and behaviours needed to enter the cyber security or tech-based workplace. This course takes place in Edinburgh from 31 July to 4 August.

Each course is designed to inspire and encourage students from all backgrounds to explore
and consider careers in cyber security, offering young people with potential the support,
skills, experience and exposure needed to be the future first line of defence in our CyberFirst

A 17-year-old, former CyberFirst student Anwen, from Argyll & Bute said, “I was interested in
cyber security and thought this would be a good way of learning more, developing new skills
and finding out if it’s something I would like to pursue further. The course made me think
more widely about the range of cybersecurity jobs available. I would say to anyone thinking
about doing a CyberFirst course to just go for it – I knew very little about computer systems
or the technical side of things but was taught all these amazing new things. It was
interesting, enjoyable and fun!”

Chris Ensor, NCSC Deputy Director for Cyber Growth, said “CyberFirst courses offer pupils
a fantastic opportunity to pursue their passion for technology, whilst learning how to keep
themselves and others safe online. I’m delighted we are offering more teenagers the chance
to develop new skills, which I hope will inspire them to consider a future in the exciting field
of cyber security.”

To find out more and to book a place please visit The Smallpeice Trust website for further

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