
Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) describes the ultimate goal of a class of cyber attacks designed to render a service inaccessible. DDoS is the malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of internet traffic.

It is not possible to fully mitigate the risk of a denial service attack affecting your service, but there are some practical steps that you can take to help you be prepared to respond, in the event you are the subject of an attack.

How to identify?

Many of the signs are similar to what technology users encounter every day, including slow upload or download performance speeds, the websites becoming unavailable to view, a dropped internet connection, unusual media and content, or an excessive amount of spam.

Your response

We strongly recommend you familiarise yourself and adopt the valuable points highlighted throughout the NCSC guidance surrounding Distributed Denial of Service attacks, which includes;

  • Preparing for Denial of Service attacks
  • Minimal Denial of Service response plan

Further information can be found here – NCSC Denial of Service (DoS) guidance

Reminder: Due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the NCSC continues to call on organsiations in the UK to bolster their online defences

If you have been a victim of crime, and it is not an ongoing emergency, you can report this to Police Scotland on 101.

Police Scotland

Information from Police Scotland Cybercrime Harm Prevention Team

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