The Cyber Capability Toolkit

The public sector initial baseline surveys during 2018 highlighted that Cyber Incident was a key area for improvement across much of the public sector.

To address this, a significant research study was carried out in the first half of 2019 to review the cyber incident response arrangements of the Public Sector Cyber Catalysts, identify good practise and develop a generic incident response plan template and playbooks for key cyber threats.


The Cyber Capability Toolkit has been created to support Public Sector organisations to better manage their cyber incident response.

The Toolkit contains;

  • A Model Incident Response Plan template
  • A set of Playbooks covering Denial of Service, Malware, Data loss, Phishing and Ransomware attacks
  • A Cyber Incident Assessment tool designed to provide high level insight into the organisations maturity across a range of related incident management controls
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The Cyber Capability Toolkit will be subject to constant review and are to be regarded as live documents, building on good practise, lessons from exercises and incidents and feedback of public sector bodies.

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