
Exercise in a Box is a tool that recreates real-world business scenarios and tests your cyber resilience in each scenario. It was developed by the National Cyber Security Centre and started as a self-use tool to help organisations test and practise their internal response to many cyber issues. It is a box full of exercises based on real-world scenarios with probing questions attached to each scenario. It allows your organisation to do them in your own time, in a safe environment, as often as you want. It includes everything you need for setting up, planning, delivery, and post-exercise activity, all in one place.

The Cyber and Fraud Centre have been facilitating sessions over the past few years, which has seen hundreds of organisations learn about it and how it can benefit their organisation. These sessions will take a different approach to the main sessions. Instead of running through a practical scenario, they will be showcasing how you can facilitate a session in your own organisation. You will learn about how you can drive the most benefit from Exercise in a Box as they share all their learnings about what works and what doesn’t.

NB: Before joining this event it is important to have already joined at one of the main Exercise in a Box sessions, or already be familiar with Exercise in a Box.

Find out more and register here

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