
When we use the internet we either consume, create or communicate. Each of these behaviours has different levels and types of risk. Join Education Scotland in this series of three webinars to explore how they can support early level learners to gain knowledge and confidence in Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety. This webinar series is for all ELC practitioners working with early level learners across a variety of settings in Scotland.

The session will include examples from practice, centered around the Curriculum for Excellence early level Digital Literacy CRIS Experiences and Outcome, illustrating what invitations to explore, play and communicate safely and securely may look like across a variety of ELC settings.

Each session is accompanied by optional follow up reading/professional development centred on the Cyber Toolkit, coordinating with each session. Attendees will be invited to submit a short blog post illustrating how the programme has impacted practice.

The examples of practice included in the session content will be ELC focused, however this session is for all practitioners working at early level across a variety of settings.

Find out more information here

Please sign up to each session in numerical order.

Session 1 – Consume

Session 2, Create (30 minutes)

Session 3, Communicate (30 minutes)

Target audience

Please be aware that the target audience for this event is professionals within the education sector in Scotland. To register, please enter either a school, establishment, local authority or Glow email address. If you work in Scottish education and would like to attend but do not have a Glow or work email address, please email [email protected] with the name of your setting or service, to request a place.

Education Scotland
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