Cyber Resilience Conference for the Third Sector

Cyber Resilience Conference for the Third Sector

Join ScotlandIS and SCVO for an unparalleled opportunity to enhance your charities cyber resilience at our upcoming full day conference tailored specifically for the third sector set to take place on the 28th of February as part of CyberScotland Week at the Scotsman Hotel in Edinburgh.

Delve into real-world insights with compelling case studies that discuss the impact of a cyber breach and connect with like-minded people within the third sector. Our interactive workshops led by industry experts will empower you with practical skills, allowing you to actively engage and apply cyber resilience concepts to your unique context. With workshops aimed at all roles, whether you are a board member/trustee, IT specialist or concerned employee.
Don’t miss this opportunity to strengthen your organisation against cyber threats and contribute to a resilient future for Scotland.

Full agenda and speaker details coming soon

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